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Blockbot is a Discord bot, written in Python, that is maintained by the Redbrick Webgroup. This project uses hikari, an opinionated microframework, to interface with the Discord API. hikari-arc is the command handler and hikari-miru is the component handler of choice.

File Structure

All bot files are under src/.

    • Contains the bot configuration and instantiation (e.g. loading the bot extensions).
  • extensions/
    • Contains extensions (files) that are loaded when the bot is started. Extensions are a way to split bot logic across multiple files, commonly used to group different features. Extensions can contain plugins, command, event listeners and other logic. Read more.
  • examples/
    • Contains example extensions with commands, components and more as reference for developers.
    • Configuration secrets and important constants (such as identifiers) are stored here. The secrets are loaded from environment variables, so you can set them in your shell or in a .env file.
    • Utility functions are stored here, that can be reused across the codebase.



Docker Compose for local development is highly recommended. This is similar to how it is deployed on Redbrick.

Discord Developer Portal

As a prerequisite, you need to have an application registered on the Discord developer portal.

  1. Create a Discord application here.
  2. Go to "OAuth2 > URL Generator" on the left sidebar, select the bot and applications.commands scopes, and then select the bot permissions you need (for development, you can select Administrator).
  3. Go to the generated URL and invite the application to the desired server.

Bot Token

  1. Open the application on the Discord developer portal.
  2. Go to "Bot" on the left sidebar, click Reset Token.
  3. Copy the newly generated token.

Running from source (deprecated)

  1. Fork, git clone and cd into the blockbot repository.


    Read the contributing docs for more information on using Git and GitHub.

  2. It is generally advised to work in a Python virtual environment:

    python3 -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
  3. Rename .env.sample to .env inside the repo folder and fill in the environment variables with your secrets. e.g.:

    Text Only
    TOKEN=<Discord bot token here>
  4. Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install the required packages.

  5. Start the bot by running python3 -m src.

Running with Docker Compose

  1. Fork, git clone and cd into the blockbot repository.


    Read the contributing docs for more information on using Git and GitHub.

  2. Rename .env.sample to .env inside the repo folder and fill in the environment variables with your secrets. e.g.:

    Text Only
    TOKEN=<Discord bot token here>
  3. Run the compose.yaml file: docker compose up --build

Library Resources

Usage Guides


  • Getting Started - first steps of using hikari
  • Events - understanding receiving events from Discord with hikari




What's the difference between hikari, hikari-arc and hikari-miru?

Why use a hikari.GatewayBot instead of a hikari.RESTBot?

TL;DR: RESTBots do not receive events required for some blockbot features (e.g. starboard), so GatewayBot must be used instead.

GatewayBots connect to Discord via a websocket, and Discord sends events (including interactions) through this websocket. RESTBots run a web server which Discord sends only interactions to (not events) via HTTP requests. These events are required for specific blockbot features, like starboard (which uses reaction create/remove events).

Further reading:

What's the difference between hikari.GatewayBot, arc.GatewayClient and miru.Client?

  • hikari.GatewayBot is the actual Discord bot. It:
    • manages the websocket connection to Discord
    • sends HTTP requests to the Discord REST API
    • caches information received in events sent by Discord
  • arc.GatewayClient adds additional functionality to hikari.GatewayBot for:
    • splitting the bot across multiple files using extensions
    • grouping commands using plugins
    • easily creating and managing commands and command groups
    • accessing objects globally (in any extension, plugin or command) using dependency injection (e.g. a database connection)
  • miru.Client adds additional functionality to hikari.GatewayBot for:

Do's and Don'ts

  • Always try to get data from the cache before fetching it from the API.

    # command example
    async def command(ctx: arc.GatewayContext) -> None:
        user = ctx.client.cache.get_user(123)
        if not user:
            user = await