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Nomad - distro, wizzdom

Adapted from redbrick/nomad README

What is Nomad?

Good question!

Nomad is a simple and flexible scheduler and orchestrator to deploy and manage
containers and non-containerized applications
- Nomad Docs

Deploying a Nomad Job

All Nomad job related configurations are stored in the nomad directory.

The terminology used here is explained here. This is required reading.

  • Install Nomad on your machine here
  • Clone this repo
git clone
  • Connect to the admin VPN
  • Set the NOMAD_ADDR environment variable:
export NOMAD_ADDR=http://<IP-ADDRESS-OF-HOST>:4646
  • Check you can connect to the nomad cluster:
nomad status
  • You should receive a list back of all jobs, now you are ready to start deploying!
nomad job plan path/to/job/file.hcl

This will plan the allocations and ensure that what is deployed is the correct version.

If you are happy with the deployment, run

nomad job run -check-index [id from last command] path/to/job/file.hcl

This will deploy the planned allocations, and will error if the file changed on disk between the plan and the run.

You can shorten this command to just

nomad job plan path/to/file.hcl | grep path/to/file.hcl | bash

This will plan and run the job file without the need for you to copy and paste the check index id. Only use this once you are comfortable with how Nomad places allocations.

Restart a Nomad Job

  • First, stop and purge the currently-running job
nomad job stop -purge name-of-running-job
  • Run a garbage collection of jobs, evaluations, allocations, nodes and reconcile summaries of all registered jobs.
nomad system gc

nomad system reconcile summaries

nomad system gc # (yes, again)
  • Plan and run the job
nomad job plan path/to/job/file.hcl

nomad job run -check-index [id from last command] path/to/job/file.hcl

Exec into Container

At times it is necessary to exec into a docker container to complete maintenance, perform tests or change configurations. The syntax to do this on nomad is similar to docker exec with some small additions:

nomad alloc exec -i -t -task <task-name> <nomad-alloc-id> <command>


  • <task-name> is the name of the task you want to exec into (only needed when there is more than one task in job)
  • <nomad-alloc-id> is the id for the currently running allocation, obtained from the web UI, nomad CLI, or nomad API
  • <command> is the command you want to run. e.g. sh, rcon-cli

Cluster Configuration

nomad/cluster-config contains configuration relating to the configuration of the cluster including:

Node Pools

Node pools are a way to group nodes together into logical groups which jobs can target that can be used to enforce where allocations are placed.

e.g. ingress-pool.hcl is a node pool that is used for ingress nodes such as the bastion-vm. Any jobs that are defined to use node_pool = "ingress" such as traefik.hcl and gate-proxy.hcl will only be assigned to one of the nodes in the ingress node pool (i.e. the bastion VM)

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