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Redbrick Administrative Web API

The source code for the API can be found here.

The Redbrick web API serves as an easy interface to carry out administrator tasks (mainly LDAP related), and for use in automation. This saves time instead of accessing machines, and formulating and executing manual LDAP queries or scripts.

The server code for the API is hosted on aperture in a docker container deployed with nomad, the job file for which is here. It is written in Python with FastAPI. This container is then served to the public using traefik.

Nomad Job File

The nomad job for Redbrick's API is similar to most other web servers for the most part. As always, all secrets are stored in consul. Some things to watch out for are:

  • The docker image on is private and therefore requires credentials to access.
auth {
    username = "${DOCKER_USER}"
    password = "${DOCKER_PASS}"
template {
  data        = <<EOH
DOCKER_USER={{ key "api/ghcr/username" }}
DOCKER_PASS={{ key "api/ghcr/password" }}
  • The docker container must access /home and /storage on icarus to configure users' home directory and webtree. This is mounted onto the aperture boxes at /oldstorage and is mounted to the containers like this:
volumes = [
  • The container requires the LDAP secret at /etc/ldap.secret to auth with LDAP. This is stored in consul, placed in a template and mounted to the container like this:
template {
    destination = "local/ldap.secret"
    data = "{{ key \"api/ldap/secret\" }}" # this is necessary as the secret has no EOF
  • The container is quite RAM intensive, regularly using 700-800MB. The job has been configured to allocate 1GB RAM to the container so it does not OOM. The default cpu allocation of 300 is fine.
resources {
    cpu = 300
    memory = 1024


For the most up to date, rich API reference please visit

All requests are validated with Basic Auth for access. See example.

Method Route URL Parameters Body
GET /users/username username - Redbrick username N/A
PUT /users/username username - Redbrick username ldap_key
POST /users/register N/A ldap_value


  • GET a user's LDAP data
import requests

url = ""

headers = {
  'Authorization': 'Basic <ENCODED_USERANDPASS_HERE>'

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)

  • PUT a user's LDAP data to change their loginShell to /usr/local/shells/zsh
import requests
import json

url = ""
payload = json.dumps({
  "ldap_key": "loginShell",
  "ldap_value": "/usr/local/shells/zsh"
headers = {
  'Authorization': 'Basic <ENCODED_USERANDPASS_HERE>',
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


Important Notes and Caveats

As the FastAPI server for the API is hosted inside of a Docker container, there are limitations to the commands we can execute that affect the "outside" world.

This is especially important with commands that rely on LDAP.

For example inside the script used by the /register endpoint.

  • Commands like chown which require a user group or user to be passed to them will not work because they cannot access these users/groups in the container.

  • This is prevalent in our implementation of the API that creates and modifies users' webtree directory.

How do we fix this?

Instead of relying on using users/group names for the chown command, it is advisable to instead use their unique id's.

# For example, the following commands are equivalent.
chown USERNAME:member /storage/webtree/U/USERNAME

chown 13371337:103 /storage/webtree/U/USERNAME
# Where 13371337 is userid and 103 is the id for the 'member' group.

Note that USERNAME can be used to refer to the user's web directory here since it is the name of the directory and doesn't refer to the user object.

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